Karate as taught by The Japan Karate Association consists of three core elements: kihon, kata and kumite. A typical lesson will incorporate one or all of these, along with other exercises designed to improve technique and increase overall fitness.
Karate is performed barefoot. Please visit the bathroom before the lesson is due to start and remove all jewellery and body adornments. You should also ensure your fingernails and toenails are clipped short, and long hair tied back.
Warm-up and stretch
A lesson typically starts with warm-up exercises and stretching. This gets your body prepared for the physical demands of the class itself, and improves muscle elasticity and coordination.
Even if you arrive late, it is important to ensure your body is warm and stretched before joining so as to minimise injury.
At the start of class
Classes start promptly. The instructor or a senior grade will call for everybody to line up. At Shiranamikai, we line up facing the instructor, at the designated front of the dojo, senior grades to the front or one side and furthest from the entrance. Beginners will line up towards the back or other side and closest to the entrance. The most senior grade present will call out the following…
Readying oneself for the class ahead
Line up
Kneel down
Close your eyes. Prepare your mind, control your breathing
Mokuso yame!
Open your eyes
Shomen ni rei!
Bow to the front
Sensei ni rei!
Bow to the instructor
Otagai ni rei!
Bow to each other
Cool down
Before finishing, we take a few minutes to exercise at a slightly lower intensity rather than stop abruptly. It is better for the body to let breathing, heart rate and temperature return to normal levels gradually.
At the end of class
We line up formally, as we did at the beginning of the class, then recite the dojo kun (code of conduct for students attending the training hall). The dojo kun consists of five precepts, all of equal importance, first spoken by the most senior grade then repeated by all…
Dojo kun
Hitotsu! Jinkaku kansei ni tsutomuru koto!
Seek perfection of character
Hitotsu! Makoto no michi o mamoru koto!
Be faithful
Hitotsu! Doryoku no seishin o yashinau koto!
Hitotsu! Reigi o omonzuru koto!
Respect others
Hitotsu! Kekki no yu o imashimuru koto!
Refrain from violent behaviour
There are three core elements within a karate session: kihon, kata and kumite, to which the JKA apportion equal time
Kihon waza
Fundamental techniques. These are the building blocks for karate and encompass stances, blocks, and strikes with the hands and feet. This will commonly be taught from a standing position, repeated while stationary in stance, followed by line up and down the dojo.
Forms. A kata is a sequence of techniques that we study to learn correct movement, accurate body positions and different kinds of karate power and transition. Katas contain all the karate fundamentals and can be practised anywhere. There are 26 different katas in the Shotokan style to be understood as well as learned. Students will focus on a different kata at each grade level from beginner up to brown belt (3rd Kyu).
Partner work. This ranges from controlled preset combinations, through to free attack and defence sparring for senior grades. In the dojo, kumite is always practised respectfully and with control.
We say OSS! a lot; as a karate greeting, to acknowledge instructions and when we bow to each other. During sessions, iInstructions are given in English but Japanese terminology is also used for the different techniques.
The terminology might be a bit daunting initially but you don’t need to know Japanese to do karate and you’ll gain familiarity with the language and instructions over time. If you wish to get a head start though, Schlatt’s Shotokan Karate Dictionary is an excellent reference guide to general terms.
Special events
We regularly host special training sessions with senior guest instructors and encourage all members to attend whenever possible. But we like to have some fun outside of the lessons too!