Congratulations to Lydik on achieving his 1st dan black belt at the JKA England national karate course in Guildford at the weekend. Well done!

Congratulations to Lydik on achieving his 1st dan black belt at the JKA England national karate course in Guildford at the weekend. Well done!
On his recent visit to Shiranamikai Ohta Sensei demonstrated correct hip alignment through the various stages of a kicking technique: the start, its culmination, return, and provided supporting exercises.
Kumite sequences incorporated the main Shotokan stances of front, side, and back, while moving a different leg to expected was an additional and enjoyable challenge.
Jion was the chosen kata for seniors where they were able to put the lesson’s themes into practice.
Congratulations to those who took their grading!
JKA England’s Chief Instructor, Ohta Yoshinobu Sensei, visited Shiranamikai to teach a special karate class in March. Students were put through their paces with fundamentals and challenging ‘kaeshi’ partner exercises. Sensei taught the kata Heian Nidan in detail followed by a very technical Bassai Dai for seniors.
Congratulations to those who graded!
Shiranamikai students enjoyed an energetic training session with Ohta Sensei during the last quarter of the year. Speed and power was a key requirement in some enjoyable kumite drills, while every kata is advanced with our association’s chief instructor!
Congratulations to all who graded.
Ohta Sensei is renowned for his ability to deconstruct kata and build back up through kihon and kumite drills, and his recent visit to Shiranamikai was no different. The Japan Karate Association in England’s Chief Instructor taught a special session based around Heian Yondan for kyu grade attendees, followed by a masterclass in Chinte for senior grades.
Well done to everyone on passing their grading!
Shiranamikai students enjoyed a special training session with Japan Karate Association England Chief Instructor, Ohta Yoshinobu 7th Dan, this March.
Fundamentals of blocking and counter attacks using hands, elbows and feet underpinned the session while targeting and distance work, timing and shifting was a key focus of partnerwork. Having utilising the three main Shotokan stances of zenkutsu, kokutsu and kiba dachi throughout the lesson, it was fitting that we finished the session with the kata Jion.
Well done to everyone on passing their grading, especially our younger attendees for trying their best.
A big thank you to Ohta Sensei for visiting Shiranamikai on Friday to lead keiko and conduct a kyu grading for our students. We’re incredibly fortunate to have such a high level instructor lead our karate association in the UK, and who takes the time to develop every grade at club level.
Instructors, Hirayama Yuko 7th Dan and Igarashi Tatsuro 3rd Dan from the JKA Tokyo Sohonbu, joined Ohta Yoshinobu 7th Dan for this year’s JKAEngland Winter Gasshuku.
Hirayama Sensei created a buzz with her encouraging lesson delivery and positive, yet demanding, teaching style. She is now well known to students in the UK after several visits. Igarashi Sensei challenged participants with calisthenic exercises combined with karate technique, designed to increase speed and power in delivery.
A black belt dan grading was held the final day of the course. Congratulations to Chantelle on passing her 1st Dan. Well done!
We enjoyed a session with our association’s chief instructor this month. Through kihon waza and ippon kumite, the emphasis was on muscle elasticity, release of tension and quick reactivation. Katas studied were Heian Sandan, Godan and Tekki, each featuring kiba dachi and drawing from the basics and partner exercises.
At Shiranamikai, we have a ‘training first’ core principle. While competitions offer up an exciting challenge alongside other clubs, gradings are a way in which to assess an individual’s development. Underpinning this is regular, consistent, training and practice for which there is no substitute.
Congratulations to everyone who graded on this occasion.