Outside The Dojo Special Club Sessions & Kyu Gradings Uncategorized

Karate at Hyper Japan 2019

Shiranamikai participated at the 2019 Hyper Japan exhibition at the London Olympia in Kensington.

Our club members demonstrated the three pillars of Shotokan karate under the Japan Karate Association: kihon (basics/fundamentals), kumite (partner work) and kata (forms). Katas shown were Heians: Shodan, Nidan, Sandan, Yondan and Godan, followed by Bassai Dai and Sochin. We also incorporated some light-hearted bunkai (application of technique) from Heian Godan.

During our performance of ippon kumite we could hear something big going on at the J-Culture stage on the other side of Olympia: Kuni-Ken, a tsugaru shamisen duo, were performing their own version of ippon! Literally, their title track “Ippon”. What a coincidence!

Thanks to everyone at Hyper Japan. See you next time!

Music by KUNI-KEN
Available on Spotify, iTunes store etc. Check them out!
